Hope you've been enjoying the wild weather we've been getting early in 2020. I have been tucked away studying and getting through lots of weeks on-call. Woohoo, I'm glad call is over until April. Time to reclaim my weekends!
Here are some great and wonderful things I've been thinking about, reading or just plain enjoying over the past month:
Fiddling around on Questrade (aka Robinhood of Canada) and buying stocks/ETFs. Investing on my own was something I wanted to do for several years, but I forced myself to finally do it in January. So late to the gammmeeee, but finally arrived. One of my NY resolutions is complete.
A small activity that I've always found calming, and makes me happy, is painting my nails. I don't think I would ever have someone else do it for me unless I wanted a crazy design or fake nails. I just derive so much joy completing it on my own. What are some of your favorite shades? I'm all about the nudes and pale pinks. Here are a few favorites: essie wild nude, ballet slippers, and mod about you.
A huge shout-out to The Five-Minute Journal. It is such a great tool to practice gratitude and track your memories whilst preparing for the future. I love it! I've had mine since last year, but fell off track when I started documenting in my Happy Planner. Please get the journal if you've ever been on the fence! It really gives you some mental clarity and ease every day.
A Beautiful Mess had a wonderful post on their favorite organizational pieces for the home. I saved a few into my amazon cart so I can purchase soon. VERY INFLUENCED.
McGill now offers free financial literacy courses for everybody. Wooohooo!
Emily also has a great post on how to prepare for an emergency. It came at the most opportune time, because last week I had a fire alarm go off in my apartment building, and as I was waiting outside for the all-clear... I realized I left all my jewelry and photo albums (plus my external hardrive holding more photos) up in the apartment. I'm definitely going to have to be a bit more prepared for next time! Time for an emergency bag!
8 New Fashion Brands to check out thanks to Jess
Have any of you read some good thrillers or motivational books recently?! I know I have to be completely focused on studying, but I love reading during my breaks and no one can do a study marathon without rest!
And lastly, I've been pondering what small trips I can do this year with my significant other. I have a few ideas in mind, and I know I want to stick around USA/CANADA and have the quintessential road trip.
Recommendations appreciated.
Have a great weekend everyone!
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