Fall Fashion Finds - Bell Sleeve & Soft Jeans

1 October 2017


 Hi everyone!
I went on a quick shopping trip to my favorite mall in Cleveland (Beachwood Place), and got completely sucked in at Nordstrom. Their pieces for fall are so gooood! I had to share some of the items because they're incredibly affordable, and great quality. If you like Paige denim, you will like Articles of Society's Super Soft brand (but they're $100 less. What a steal!). What is everyone up to this week? I will be doing my first night shift with my own intern - it feels like yesterday I was in their shoes, and now I'm the senior. So crazy how fast time flies! Let's hope for a calm night, and interesting admissions. 🙏

top - leith// jeans - articles of society // shoes - old, but similar here & here


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