My Apartment Update & Things I'm Loving Lately

5 April 2013

Hola everybody!!
I thought I'd share a few images from around my apartment lately. I was able to bring a few more things from Toronto over to Chicago on my last trip. It was such a relief opening my luggage and seeing nothing was cracked or broken. Ten points for mom's great wrapping skills! I've just finished up my latest exam, and feel like a fried egg on hot asphalt. I can't believe I'm almost done my first year of medical school; I prepared myself for the speed of the following 4 years ahead of me, but once one nears its end, it still feels like time flew by too quickly. Make sure you treasure all the important people in your life; hide that cell phone in your bag and really listen during dinner, turn off your wifi and TV & instead spend some time taking care of yourself.

I still decided to do a list of things I'm grateful for this past week, albeit one day late:
* seeing my running slowly improve over the past two weeks * Essie's Lapis of Luxury * getting a pair of super soft skinny jeans for summer that I've been eyeing for a while (ASOS Ridley Supersoft) * candles! * face mask pamperings * trouncing through Target & finding cute stationary * Reese's Pieces * catching up on blogs * seeing little tulips bursting through the grass * my new VOGUE Paris on Zinio & warm cuddly hugs!
I'm halfway through Joy's "Blog INC." and it's such a great reference book for fellow bloggers. I've yet to start Magical Thinking, but I bought it after reading a great review online.

What are you reading lately?!



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  3. Just finished reading How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul. I've always snuffed the idea of "help" books, but this was a great read. Glad a friend from church recommended it to me :) Def a good read for any Christian girls out there!

  4. Those pictures came out really good and those jeans look really good on you! I might have to borrow Joy's "Blog Inc" from you?!

  5. reeses pieces! oh my gosh now i want some. i want to see more pics of your apt!

    it's not very humid in california (thank god), but oh boy was I in for a shock when I went to Thailand. my hair is a frizz ball in 99.9% of my pictures. yuck.

  6. I love your "academics and study tips section". I'm a beauty/fashion lover studying my masters (i.e. grad school) in Organisational Psychology. I've only been doing the program for 5 weeks and it has been so draining! Part of the program involves practical placements, so you're essentially working 3 days a week for free and studying full-time, so it's been pretty hectic. I'm starting to question why I'm here in the first place. Your study tips have really helped, especially when I'm feeling unmotivated. Please make more academic posts!

    1. Of course, I'll try to think of some fresh tips ANON! I love making them, since I can share my experiences and hope others can relate.

  7. Your place looks really cool <3

  8. those decorations look lovely! and you are so right, it's important to take time out from technology and enjoy the company of others :) i really like your blog and will definitely be following you from now one :)
    have a great day!

  9. I totally agree with you on the switch off wifi, hide cellphone thing. We constantly get lost in these worlds that we forget to really focus on the moment and the people we are with. Im reading nothing in particular apart from travel stuff :) I have many inspirations, money is what I need though :)

  10. Great blog and post.

    If you get a sec, please check out my latest post 'From a Skirt to a Dress'.


  11. Everything looks fab hun! I want to get my hands on the 'Blog Inc. book, sounds like an interesting read! :)) Great post!


  12. these bits of your apartment look soooo good! I love your taste in decor. That blog inc book sounds like a good read, right now I'm reading Game of Thrones I don't watch the show but I am loving the book so far :)

  13. I love your blog and the workaholic quote something I need to read over and over again as I am always to committed :) new follower xxx

  14. I want to buy Blog Inc so bad!!

    xo Ashley

  15. First time on your blog and I love it! Your intro pic is amazing! And congrats on your med school accomplishments!! I am a trauma nurse and we have med students/residents all of the time. They are amazing to work with! Looking forward to following via GFC!

  16. love these apartment items and the photos you've taken! I'm reading blog inc too :)

  17. You look like you have a great apartment! Glad I found your blog. I ready Blog Inc recently as well. Great book!


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