I've been bogged down with exams and travelling this month, hence the large delay in posts. I came across this selection of clothing on ShopBop a few weeks ago, and it has been sitting on my desktop ever since. Hope it can still inspire some of you to invest in a couple good pieces to battle the winter this year [& many more to come!]. I was just in downtown Chicago two weeks ago, and the decor and horse-drawn carriage rides got me in the holiday spirit. I am SO EXCITED! Also, I'm going to have my first American Thanksgiving this year. Double the fun! (Pictures to come soon)
+ dark skinnies: J Brand
+ neutral blouses: Equipment
+ comfy sweaters: Roseanna, Dolce Vita
+ snazzy hats: Eugenia Kim
+ BBB: Botkier, Foley + Corinna
+ sexy booties: Joie, Boutique 9
+ simple tees: Vince
Catch ya soon :D
Lovely picks! Glad to take note of these beauties specially the shoes. :D
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