Discovering Cleveland and a Life Update

21 January 2017

Hi everybody,

I hope you're all doing well! I'm here to share a few of my favorite things of the new year, and give a little life update. Since it has become increasingly difficult to blog while in residency, I thought I'd shift the style to journal-like entries so I can look back on my memories many years from now. First thing on the list: pieces that bring me a little burst of happiness!

This is the best smelling Bath and Body Works candle ever! Also I picked up the cutest mug from Marshalls, it reminds me so much of my grandma. Miss her every day 💜

Still the talking point of my apartment! You can pick one up at World Market.

These tiny books are what I use to take notes during rotations. Perfect size, and don't weigh my white coat pockets down!

I had the joy of having my favorite people coming to visit me in Cleveland two weekends ago. 👪 My parents drove through a horrible snow storm (which hit unexpectedly), and took six hours to get to me! I was praying the entire time because the news was showing pile ups on the freeway. YIKES! We spent a lot of time staying cozy, shopping, and eating yummy food. Also, Z Gallerie (my fave home decor & furniture place in Chicago) finally opened up in Cleveland! WHAT UP! 
Staying cozy with my hand knit scarf (courtesy of my wonderful cousin), and doing some studying. Writing notes is always therapeutic for me. Plus, I'm slowly prepping for Step 3. The exams never end in medicine!
Obligatory white coat dump at the end of a rotation to prepare for the new one! 
Loganberry Books - the cutest bookstore in Cleveland! I picked up 3 novels from the Lunar Chronicles (Marissa Meyer). Only a few more left to complete the full set. Woot!
PS. If you haven't read them, I can do a quick review in another post. Think childhood princesses stories set in a sci-fi world, but they're NOT represented as helpless protagonists. They're kicking some serious butt!
WOLFS - a beautiful art gallery/dealership. I wished my apartment were this cool!
A quick visit to the Natural History Museum!
Whole Foods sponsored an exhibit about...FOOD! It incorporated a ton of different agricultural practices, how science has changed farming habits, and eating changes through time. They even had a chef come in and talk about healthy eating, as well as provide samples of fast, nutritious snacks that have a 'fancy' appeal and taste. It was awesome!

What have you been up to this month?! 

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