Medical School Rotations: Internal Medicine Clerkship

9 August 2015

*Disclaimer: My experience on every rotation is very site-specific. It may not necessarily apply to your clerkships. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. IM, neuro and Emed will be shorter as I've done them on a delayed schedule, and forgotten a lot of my experiences.

What I liked:
Lots of patient interaction
Tons of learning; IM is so broad you really need to take time at home to fully grasp the material before applying it to patient cases.
Working in the hospital!
Getting to see GI procedures in the afternoons, and occasionally joining in on IR procedures.
Morning review of The List: Our attending would go over each patient we were seeing, quiz us and then assign us patients.
Daily radiology lectures - finally all that black and white makes more sense.
Fantastic, funny attendings who love to teach.
Weekly lectures with the heme/onc doc, aka a 2 student seminar. It's so great being in a setting that's non-intimidating, and learning from a physician who knows so much about the latest treatments, and interesting findings.
The scribes: they are fountains of information!
The food - free buffet everyday!
Bi-weekly skype lectures: we would join in with two other class members at a different site, and their attending would do MKSAP with us. He had great mnemonics, and loved teaching.

What I didn't like:
The commute - I was at a hospital 1.5-2h away. Friends, the struggle is real on that drive home (Zzzzzz).
Pretty much enjoyed this whole rotation!

How I studied for the clerkship:
Reviewed my patient's diagnosis the evening after seeing him/her, and brought questions to our attending in the morning.
MKSAP sessions bi-weekly
Step Up To Medicine

How I studied for the shelf exam:
Did all of UWORLD IM section, took notes, and did all of the MKSAP questions twice with notes.
 If I had to do it again: I would have gone through UWORLD 2x.
      Hope this was helpful! Welcome to all the MS3's on the wards. It gets better!


img source: here

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