Chantelle's 5 Random Facts

21 August 2013

1. I am such a homebody. Reading a book, watching a movie while drinking tea, catching up on my fave blogs, painting my nails, studying... all things I adore doing, and involve a general level of quiet in the house.

2. Until I was 15, I bounced between medicine and forensic science as my future career. The latter was taking the lead until I found out I would have to specialize in one area, and do it for the rest of my life - mostly alone in a lab. I don't like labs (unless it's anatomy!), and I really wanted a job where I communicated with many people. There's so much gratification in making others feel better physically and/or emotionally. (I want my work life the exact opposite of my private life. Loud and boisterous!)

3. I love dancing! I did ballet ballet for over 10 years, and hip hop for 6 years. I really miss it now that I'm entrenched in medical school, but I still get a great fix watching beautiful dancers on youtube. I can't wait until my life and schedule settle to a point where I can get back on a regular dance schedule.

4. I make this super awesome tea that fellow ladies and gents with a sweet tooth love. Since I don't drink coffee, this deceiving thing is what's usually in my mug. Heehee! [I know I have to start drinking coffee soon, since M3's say it's the only way to survive rotations. Womp!] --> Sugar Fairy Tea: Hot water, tea of choice (best with green tea, english breakfast tea, or orange pekoe), sugar/honey (I prefer brown sugar), and french vanilla creamer (powder form)! That damn thing is amazing, and it makes my tea heavenly! It's not healthy, so I only have it a few times a week. I'm sure a bunch of you do this vanilla powder trick, I'm not reinventing the wheel here!

5. Since I moved to Chicago, I've bought the September issue of Vogue to mark the years I'm away from home. I incorporate the magazines into my decor, and will be saving this particular stack for myself & future offspring/young family members to flip through decades from now. I'm pretty sure they'll have a good laugh!
Prepping and studying away for my new quarter! 
Tell me 5 facts about yourself in the comments below, or write your own post and link me back so I can find you!



  1. Love your desk set up! and I'm trying to do the opposite and reduce coffee in my life for now haha maybe after the MCAT. I'll also do this post after the test too. It's in 20 days I'm excited! so while you're starting I'm almost done so good luck with the new quarter :)

  2. Dancing is a wonderful hobby! I want to start to dance Salsa now :P
    hahaha... I really have no talent.

  3. So interesting! thanks for sharing!

  4. I also did hip hop for 3 years, but gave up because of the preparation to university

    I decided to write a post with 5 random facts about myself. you can take a look here


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