International Clinics - Rotating in Style

24 May 2013

Hey everyone,

I'm alive and kicking in Portugal for my international clinic rotations. I had my first session today, and absolutely adored it. The week was off to a rough start when I arrived, thanks to a bought of gastroenteritis, but now I'm on the path to recovery. Last month I found this photo on tumblr and absolutely fell in love with the outfit; it's definitely something I see myself wearing. Quirky prep is my comfortable fashion spot (sometimes). I'll be updating as much as possible throughout the next couple weeks, but hopefully I'll be swamped in new, unusual experiences that make me feel awkward. Those are the ones you remember forever!

What are your plans for the summer?! 


P.S. Give it to Europeans to make me feel off my fashion game and give me the urge to shop like crazy. MUST RESIST. 


  1. Heya! I hope you are feeling much better now and have an amazing time in Portugal. :) And yes, I can totally see you wear something like that - so effortless, yet put-together.

  2. have so much fun sweets! can't wait to see pics of portugal!

  3. International clinic rotations? That sounds awesome! And here we are, being shipped out to the countryside for our general practice terms - no fair! Hope you're feeling better :)

    xx T (lefanciulle)

    p.s. that photo is going straight into my outfit inspiration folder!

  4. I'm heading over stateside for an internship at a hospital! I live in Amsterdam otherwise and I will NOT (as far as my funds permit) resist any shopping... The US is too good for that :) And the dollar is low, wooho

  5. Enjoy your time! and totally love Gala Gonzalez's style :)

  6. Love that outfit too! Esp the red shoes ;)

  7. Sadly, i'll have to work but i'm planning to get as many weekend get aways as i can :)

  8. Have lots and lots of fun during your inevitable awkward clinic situations ;)
    can't wait to see photos and hear all about your adventures and ps. love that outfit, those shoes are amazing!


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