When you have only two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other. ~Chinese Proverb

5 April 2012

Here are a couple images that I'm goo-goo-gaga over. There's just something about the pastels and designs that make me feel so calm and happy. I really think we should get some neuro-imaging of females/males viewing beautiful fashion images.

Image sourced from tumblr - if someone can link me to the original editorial so I can see the rest I'd be forever grateful.


  1. So pretty. I've seen Zatchels around (friends have), but the floral print is quite lovely! Thanks for sharing xx

  2. love love love that satchel. great find chantelle!

  3. The floral satchel is gorgeous! I want one for Spring!
    Love your blog! Would you like to follow each other?
    Have a fabulous day!

    xo Vivian
    Flightgirl Fashion

  4. OMG OMG ahahahahah the title just killed me! xD Great post btw


  5. that bag is so pretty! I like the print xx

  6. The photo of the girl is from a collection by Roxane Attard. The rest of the pictures are here, and just as pretty!





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